
November 21, 2013

Anyone likes for an own website with an own domain , But it's a dream sometimes. I want to fulfill your wish. There has a way to make a Website with a Free Domain. It's absolutely 100% free. I already informed you that about Free Domain and Free Hosting Services in my Blog Site. Now we'll see how to use them.

I select TK Domain Service and 000WebHost For First Tutorial.
Go to the TK website by Clicking Below Banner,

Then make a website name and check it whether available or not. I typed SRIKING.TK.

It's available, If unavailable try another one. Then do not fill this, leave it alone.

Now Click on below banner for register in 000webhost
Web Hosting

Then you will get this window, close it.
Under Free Hosting tab click 'Order Now' Button.

Fill the form.
1. enter your available TK Domain
2. enter your name and e-mail address.
3. create a password
4. Recognize two words and type it.
5. Make a tick.
Finally "Create My Account"
Then you will be receive this type of window, Now you need to check your e-mail inbox.

Open 000webhost confirmation e-mail and copy the registration link and paste it another tab and go the link.

Now you have activated your account.
Click on Go to CPanel.

now copy the name servers.

Click on "your own dns" and paste server names.
Make 12 for Registration length.
Type the captcha word.
There is a place bottom of the page for type your e-mail address. Enter it and click NEXT.

Then another 3 lines will appear for enter your name and password, do it and click on "create account".
Now you have created TK Account, go to your e-mail inbox.

Copy the confirmation code, and click the link, Under No. 1.

Enter the code and Confirm.

If you want to share your domain name, then share it and login by using e-mail address and password.
Now you have activated TK Account.


To be continued...


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